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Insurance in Spain for Farms, Vineyards, Orchards and Agricultural vehicles in Spain.


INSURANCE FOR FARMS, VINEYARDS, WINERIES & AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT IN SPAIN.Farmhouse and agricultural equipment insurance in Spain Portugal

Insuring your Farm and Agricutural vehicles in Spain. 

Many expats come to Spain to farm. With the good weather and plenty of sunshine, farming can do very well and provide several crops a year. 

Farming in Spain. 

Temperatures range from extremely hot to below freezing in the winter and rainfall can often be an issue, or, at least the lack of it. About 40% of Spain’s land is suitable for agriculture and cultivation and only 10% of the land could be described as good or excellent.

The terrain can also be quite rugged and tough on agricultural machinery as the soil is considered to be quite poor, with many rocks and a lot of terracing. 

Spain’s traditional and more well-known agricultural products are Oranges and mandarins, Grapes, vegetables, cereals, olive oil and wine. More recently rice has been grown in the Deltas where water is more available. 

In the farming community today, and with the Spanish becoming more affluent, there is an ever-increasing change to farming livestock, poultry and dairy products. 

Farm Insurance in Spain. 

From small holdings or vegetable patches to farms in Spain that have hundreds of hectares of land to cultivate, they all need machinery and manpower. This machinery and manpower usually consist of expensive machinery, storage areas, outbuildings and general farm equipment as well as the farmhouses themselves, terraced walls, water collection areas and storage facilities. 

Insurance for your farm buildings, Wineries, Vineyards, orchards and land in Spain.

Farm buildings, however old, may have been in the family for years and many do not have any insurance at all. If they are affected by flood, famine or act of God, we all know how the weather in Spain can change from hot and humid to heavy seasonal rains in an instant that can cause severe flooding. All this can damage property and crops. Insurance companies in Spain understand the value that farmers contribute to the country and try to facilitate a variety of insurance products to suit their environment. 

Buildings and Contents insurance for Farmhouses and outbuildings in Spain.

Like all property, farmers have contents too. Valuables and all risk items as well as jewellery can be covered. The fact that these farms might be in isolated areas does not increase the insurance premiums. Accidental damage and all risk insurance are also available for the farming communities in Spain. Make sure that you are not OVER insured or UNDER insured, Contact for details and our Farm insurance specialists in Spain will advise on the proper way to calculate the replacement value of the items and personal belongings in your Farmhouse. 

Tractor and Agricultural vehicle insurance in Spain.

Like most commercial and agricultural vehicle insurances in Spain, anything that can and will be used on a public road must have insurance. 

Liability insurance on Farms in Spain.

Liability, whether public or personal liability and legal defence insurance will protect the farmer from being sued for whatever reason. Accidents and injuries on farms and with farming equipment does happen. 

Insurance for farming equipment in Spain. 

Farming equipment such as tractors, ploughs, scythes, trailers, seed spreaders and combine harvesters and the like are used on commercial farms and smallholdings in Spain. Theft of this type of equipment from isolated farms and country areas are common, due to the expense of buying this type of equipment. Insuring these items is quite easy and it is better to know that you can replace the equipment if it gets stolen or badly damaged in a flood or catastrophic event.

Insurance for crops and livestock in Spain.

It makes sense to insure your livestock, poultry or crops on a farm, particulalry in Spain where the weather or lack of rain and water could prove to be an issue.